Health & Wellness

Omega-3-Rich Diets

By Wendy Haaf Less headache Putting more fish and other foods rich in omega-3 fats on your fork could help make migraines less of a headache, U.S. researchers report. Sufferers of chronic migraines (those with five to 20 headache days…

Take a Knee

Does jumping, hopping and other such activity bring on knee pain? If so, try these two low-impact Pilates moves. They’re…

Chronic Pain

Long considered a medical mystery, we take a look at what we know today about this all-too-common symptom By Wendy…

Social Media: Good or Bad?

Depending on factors such as life experience and outlook, cyberspace can be both friend and foe By Wendy Haaf The…

How to Prevent Knee Pain?

By Genacol Advertorial - The knees are essential joints for our mobility. Every day, they undergo significant pressure by supporting…

Inappropriate OTC Use Common

By Wendy Haaf Judging by the findings of a recent study, a large minority of us are using over-thecounter (OTC)…

Exercise and Meds Lower BP

By Wendy Haaf If you have prediabetes and take medication to lower your blood pressure, you can reap more health…

Seasonal Allergies

New medications on the market might offer you better relief and lower risks for side effects By Wendy Haaf Allergy…