
Bruce Cockburn: Staying Open

By Rob Lutes   One of Canada’s finest songwriters and performers reflects on some of the origins and inspirations that have shaped his illustrious career Where did you grow up? I was born in Ottawa, and I lived there until…

R.H. Thomson: Letters Home

By Peter Feniak Eight great-uncles went off to fight in the First World War; only one came through unscathed. In…

Stephen Brunt: Sports Matters

One of Canada’s foremost journalists and authors reflects on the importance of sports, words, and community  By Rob Lutes   …

Tim Caulfield: The Great Debunker

By Peter Feniak His commitment to facts has made him a champion in the fight against medical misinformation and pseudoscience;…

Leslie Greenberg: Feeling Your Way

By Rob Lutes By identifying emotions as key to identity, this renowned psychologist changed psychotherapy. One of the world’s foremost…

Dave Young: Note Perfect

The renowned Canadian musician is a master of many styles By Rob Lutes Bassist Dave Young is one of Canada’s…