Health & Wellness

How to protect your joints?

ADVERTORIAL – Joints are complex parts of our body, but they work wonders to ensure our mobility when nothing affects them. Nevertheless, more than 5 million Canadians, about 1 in 6 people, suffer from osteoarthritis. Because it causes cartilage and bone in certain joints to deteriorate, osteoarthritis can affect how these joints function.

Fortunately, in the following, we offer you a few tips that can help if you suffer from osteoarthritis. These tips are designed to provide more effective joint protection, particularly to prevent osteoarthritis-related pain.

Tips to protect your joints

Change position regularly. Our sedentary lifestyle poses many risks to our health. When we refer to a sedentary lifestyle, we mean activities in which energy expenditure is zero (or almost zero), such as watching television or sitting at a desk for an extended period. In these situations, it is important to change position frequently. A sedentary lifestyle puts much pressure on the joints since we rarely adopt ergonomic positions. Taking time to stand up or take a short walk is a good way to change position regularly and reduce the adverse effects on joint health.

Adapt your activities to your pain level. Listen to your body and consider your current level of joint pain when planning your activities. When you feel a lot of pain, it’s better to adapt your activities and the level of effort required.

Maintain joint strength and mobility. Osteoarthritis does not mean we should avoid all activities that stretch our joints; quite the opposite! In fact, joints that remain inactive or underused are at risk of gradually losing their mobility, i.e., they will be able to perform movements with less range of motion and for a shorter period. In this sense, it is essential to maintain good joint mobility by doing regular stretching exercises or by practicing yoga, which allows you to do exercises with a great range of motion.

Avoid risky activities for your joints. Sports and activities involving jumps and/or sudden movements (changes in direction, repeated impacts, etc.) pose a risk to your joints, especially when you have osteoarthritis. It is therefore better to perform less strenuous activities, like Nordic walking, swimming, cycling, etc.

Watch your diet. There are several types of food that can help reduce joint pain, including helping to control inflammation of the joints. Read this article to learn more about the relationship between diet and joint pain.

Why is it important to protect your joints?

If you suffer from osteoarthritis, you should follow these tips to help you:

  • Reduce or control your joint pain while performing the activities that are important to you.
  • Reduce the level of inflammation in your joints.
  • Maintain joint mobility.
  • Prevent deformation of certain joints, a complication associated with osteoarthritis.

Finally, a consultation with a health care professional may be appropriate. First, it would help you to better identify the factors that aggravate joint pain to highlight concrete actions to help counteract them. In addition, your doctor will be able to tell you if taking supplements to prevent joint pain is appropriate and safe for you.

Think about Genacol Pain Relief to help you protect your joints

For more than 20 years, Genacol has been an expert in joint health. They offer natural health products containing AminoLock Collagen, scientifically proven to maintain joint health and reduce osteoarthritis pain.

Genacol Pain Relief is a natural health product containing ultra-hydrolyzed AminoLock Collagen and Eggshell Membrane and it’s one of the favourite products in their range. This exclusive formula incorporates naturally sourced ingredients that help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to this clinically proven joint care supplement, you can start to feel results in just 5 days!

Make Canada’s #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement part of your daily routine, to give a boost to your joints.

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