Taming Heartburn I’m 65, and I often feel burning in my chest after dinner, especially if I lie down after eating. What’s…
Protective Benefits of Tea By Wendy Haaf Drinking black tea may modestly reduce your risk for dying prematurely, even if your genes make you…
Pole Walking for Cardiac Rehab By Wendy Haaf There’s good news for people with heart disease who need cardiac rehabilitation but hate going to the…
Living With Grief There’s no “right” way to grieve, but understanding the process can help you get through it By Wendy Haaf…
Vision Loss and AMD By Wendy Haaf For the past two years, I’ve been receiving an injection to slow down macular degeneration. The condition…
Healthy Holiday Feasting By Isabelle Huot Overeating can affect sleep and interfere with energy levels. Here’s how to celebrate wisely: • Follow an…
Tummy Trouble? By Isabelle Huot In the September issue, we briefly discussed the Low FODMAP Diet, which can help alleviate symptoms of…
Toned Arms These three easy exercises will help to keep your biceps and triceps in shape By Priscilla Regli, Pilates coach Cactus…
What’s Your Sleep Pattern? By Wendy Haaf We all have different sleep requirements—understanding yours can benefit your physical and mental health. Perhaps you have…