Your Poetry

Your Poem of the Month – September 2024

A popular feature in Good Times magazine is the Poetry page, where we showcase works written and submitted by our readers. E. Muriel Squires “The Next Stage of Life” appeared in the September-October 2024 issue.

The Next Stage of Life

Goodbye, my Old House.
You came into my life after
13 apartments and boarding houses,
and my family home.
Our love-at-first-sight lasted 38 years,
Longer than most marriages.
Your two-storey sturdiness gave me not just physical comfort with a surround of tall trees but happiness in your spaciousness with large rooms to fill with love, creativity, beauty, music, many memories, and much more.
I’ll miss you forever.

Hello, my New Apartment.
As I step over your threshold,
I’ll feel like a young bride
approaching a new union in life.
Your newness, your neatness, your freshness, our short acquaintance, and my need to adapt make me breathless but hopeful.
My future is in your hands.
You’re not my house,
but you will become my home,
and I promise to love you, too.

E. Muriel Squires, Thunder Bay, Ont.