A popular feature in Good Times magazine is the Poetry page, where we showcase works written and submitted by our readers. Renata Loewen “Spring” appeared in the March-April 2025 issue.
Spring arrived anew
Beaming with the sky’s brilliant blue.
The sun’s warm rays
Gently bring to life
What before was winter-grey.
Tender buds sprout on bush and tree,
And we delight to see
New stirrings all around.
Soon, Nature will be a symphony of colour and sound,
Wearing her most beautiful dress.
Sweet scents, gentle breezes the senses caress.
A wanderer gives pause,
Listens quietly—
To a nightingale’s wondrous melody.
Bees buzz from flower to flower,
While a woodpecker with undiminished power
Hammers at a large chunk
Of a mighty tree’s trunk.
From all around mysterious hums, whispers, and rustles…
Everywhere new life bustles.
Renata Loewen, Baie d’Urfé, Que.