
Diabetes technology allows freedom in second act for artist

Good health is key to having the freedom to enjoy life the way you want. According to retired financial advisor in Montreal, Bob Venafro, accepting he had diabetes has allowed him to enjoy a second act as an artist. “You have to do your best not to let your diabetes overtake you.”

As his diabetes progressed, so has Bob’s attention to lifestyle decisions and to self-monitoring glucose levels throughout the day to ensure he stays within a healthy range. Last year, Bob’s endocrinologist suggested he try a new technology called flash glucose monitoring to help monitor his glucose levels. Bob claims it’s even helped him understand his diabetes better.

“When I get into a painting, I can lose track of time. With flash glucose monitoring, I don’t have to stop. It only takes a second to swipe the sensor and see how I’m trending. That’s liberating.”

What is Flash Glucose Monitoring?

This new category in self-monitoring automatically measures, captures and stores glucose data so that patients, like Bob, and their doctors can see patterns over time and make adjustments to lifestyle, diet or treatment, as needed. This sensor technology also eliminates the need for routine finger pricks[i], which according to Bob “are a real pain in the finger.”

Bob is using the FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system and it has meant he is free to be a working artist.

Take Action: How You Can Help Seniors

For many Canadian seniors and other uninsured populations, using the flash glucose monitoring technology may be impossible to afford until it is covered under provincial healthcare plans. If you believe it should be covered, take action.

The FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system is indicated for measuring interstitial fluid glucose levels in adults aged 18 years and older who have at least 2 years of experience in self-managing their diabetes. For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only. Always read and follow the label/insert for detailed instructions and indication of use.

This article was paid for by Abbott Diabetes Care, a manufacturer of diabetes care products in Canada. This is an actual testimonial of a FreeStyle Libre system user and Abbott has consent to use their story. Consent is on file with Abbott.

[i] A finger prick test using a blood glucose meter is required during times of rapidly changing glucose levels when interstitial fluid glucose levels may not accurately reflect blood glucose levels or if hypoglycemia or impending hypoglycemia is reported by the system or when symptoms do not match the system readings.
