Health & Wellness

Life Hacks for Healthier Meals

If your diet needs a power boost, a bit of creativity and variety can provide what it lacks By Wendy Haaf   Photo: iStock/Solovyova. When it comes to eating a healthy diet, our actions often don’t match our good intentions.…

New Hope for Those With ALS

By Lola Augustine Brown   For the first time in 22 years, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved…
elders picture

More elders but less elder care

By Lola Augustine Brown Better access to home and community care reduces the load on hospitals, so you’d think access…

Interval Training Best for Anti-Aging

If you’ve ever done any high-intensity aerobic interval training, you’ll know how physically demanding these fitness classes are. You definitely…

Virtual Reality Comes to Medicine

By Lola Augustine Brown Once nothing more than the stuff of science fiction movies, virtual reality (VR) technology is becoming…