Health & Wellness

Canine Volunteers Wanted

You and your dog may be able to help further science Photo: iStock/SherryL18. A group of US scientists is recruiting a cohort of 10,000 dogs to support their efforts to study human longevity and perhaps design a pill that can…

Don’t Drive High!

A year after legalization, Canadians are concerned about cannabis and road safety By Jennifer Hughes Photos: iStock/Toa55 (hands) and Ifness (cannabis sign).…

Keeping Your Sex Life Alive

Older folks get to frolic, too By Wendy Haaf Photo: iStock/Jacob Wackerhausen. You know the basics of healthy aging—keep your…

The Torment of Tinnitus

Constant ringing in the ears can be much more than a simple irritant, but there are solutions  By Wendy Haaf…

Iceland, Land of the Vikings

Advertorial - Talk to any seasoned traveller and one destination seems to pop up on everyone’s bucket list: Iceland! With…

Canadians Are Too Sedentary

A new report gives Canadians a poor grade when it comes to physical activity Photo: iStock/txking.   ParticipACTION recently released…