Health & Wellness

The Story of Your Life

You don’t have to be a writer to create a captivating memoir By Wendy Haaf Photo: iStock/Halfpoint. Sometime after his 60th birthday, Paul Lima of Toronto began reflecting on his life, and as he did, an urge to preserve some…

Coconut Oil Is Not So Super

Often marketed as a superfood, coconut oil is full of saturated fat Photo: iStock/anna1311.  Superfoods are often just foods with…

Canine Volunteers Wanted

You and your dog may be able to help further science Photo: iStock/SherryL18. A group of US scientists is recruiting…

Don’t Drive High!

A year after legalization, Canadians are concerned about cannabis and road safety By Jennifer Hughes Photos: iStock/Toa55 (hands) and Ifness (cannabis sign).…

Keeping Your Sex Life Alive

Older folks get to frolic, too By Wendy Haaf Photo: iStock/Jacob Wackerhausen. You know the basics of healthy aging—keep your…

The Torment of Tinnitus

Constant ringing in the ears can be much more than a simple irritant, but there are solutions  By Wendy Haaf…

Canadians Are Too Sedentary

A new report gives Canadians a poor grade when it comes to physical activity Photo: iStock/txking.   ParticipACTION recently released…