Health & Wellness

Understanding the Sugar in Wine

Should you be concerned about the amount of sugar in your wine? By Isabelle Huot The amount of sugar in a bottle of wine depends on the wine-growing region and its climatic conditions. Sunny and hot regions are conducive to…

Living With Hot Flashes

I’m 79 and still having hot flashes. I had a total hysterectomy when I was 45 and was put on…

How to Break or Create a Habit

Breaking bad habits is usually a challenge, but so is learning new, more positive behaviours; here are four errors that…

Get a Better Quality of Sleep

As we get older, our sleep patterns shift—but that doesn’t mean you have to go through life feeling fatigued By…

Mobile Health Apps and Privacy

By Wendy Haaf A recent analysis of nearly 21,000 health, wellness, and medical apps revealed that 88 percent were capable…