Health & Wellness

Walnuts Lower Bad Cholesterol

By Wendy Haaf

According to the American Heart Association, adding walnuts to your diet may help to lower your LDL cholesterol levels and thus your risk for heart disease. This recommendation is based on findings from a sub-study of a larger trial in which 708 healthy adults aged 63 to 79 were randomly assigned to either add a half-cup of walnuts a day to their usual diet or abstain from walnuts for the duration of the study.

After two years, LDL levels in the walnut group had fallen by an average of 4.3 mg/dL. Men reaped the greatest benefit: an average drop in LDL of 7.9 mg/dL as compared with 2.6 per cent for women. There is a caveat: the research was funded by a group of walnut growers.

Source: Circulation

Photo by Sahand Babali on Unsplash