Rights & Money

How to Save Money With Income Splitting

If you can move some of your income to someone being taxed at a lower rate, you can reduce your tax burden By Olev Edur When it comes to reducing your tax bill, one very effective method is the practice…

Your Tax Guide for 2022

Make sure you get all the credits available to you so you don’t pay more than you have to  …

How to Protect a Bequest

By Olev Edur I’m a 77-year-old widow living in North Bay, Ont. I have about $300,000 in my RRIF, $250,000…

Give a Gift That Lasts

Whether you want to make sure a grandchild can afford higher education, give someone a more secure future, or help…

Coping With Inflation

Rising costs are affecting all of us, but there are strategies you can employ to take back some control By…