When to Update Your Will If you don’t keep your will up to date, you could create problems you thought you’d avoided A popular regular…
Many Are Ignoring Their Future Health-Care Needs While older Canadians do plan for retirement, most aren’t giving thought to their long-term care By Caitlin Finlay While 61%…
Decluttering (Part II): Stuff That Will (and Won’t) Sell If you want to make some money selling your used things, read this list By Katrina Caruso Last week,…
Life Insurance With No Exam? Offers of life insurance with no exam and at any age are probably legit—but there’s probably a catch, too A…
Decluttering? Here’s Where to Sell Your Stuff Before you throw it out or give it away, consider that you might be able to sell what you don’t…
Taxing Home Sales Would Harm Retirees Charging capital gains tax on the sale of a home would mean a lot of people losing a lot of…
What to Do With a Tax Refund In the midst of a pandemic is definitely not the time to blow the whole thing on something frivolous By…
Probate Fees Vary Across Canada In some provinces, there are no fees; in others, they can be significant By Olev Edur Probate is a…
Is Collectible Treasure Hidden in Your House? These video games and consoles can be worth a pretty penny By Caitlin Finlay If you have old video…