Llamas May Help Fight COVID-19 How llamas and alpacas react to the virus may provide the basis of a treatment By Caitlin Finlay Tiny…
Advances in Treating Type 2 Diabetes Researchers are constantly adding to what we know about managing this serious health threat By Wendy Haaf Mario Miceli…
How to Cut Your Grocery Bill You don’t need to compromise healthy eating to save a little money By Bonnie Munday Photo: iStock/nd3000. The numbers…
Your Quick Guide to Dehumidifiers Do you need one? Find out below. By Katrina Caruso Photo: iStock/LisaValder. Excess humidity in the air isn’t good for…
Buyer Beware: Does Your Blood Pressure Device Measure Up? A lot of the blood pressure devices available online aren’t reliable By Wendy Haaf If you’re thinking about buying…
Healthy Sleep Habits Can Reduce Your Heart Risk Study after study finds the same thing—we need seven to eight hours a night By Caitlin Finlay We’ve previously reported…
How to Deal With Nerve Pain What is diabetes-related neuropathy and what can be done about it? By Wendy Haaf A popular feature in Good Times magazine…
Opioids Are a Bad Choice for Chronic Pain They won’t make it better in the long run—and they can make things worse By Wendy Haaf The long-term use…
Shovelling Snow Safely Push the snow—not yourself: know your limits and take it easy By Caitlin Finlay A necessary evil, shovelling snow…