The Case for “Bad Food” We should stop worrying so much about what we should or shouldn’t eat, according to one expert By Katrina Caruso…
Could “Magic” Mushrooms Help Beat Depression? A substance found in mushrooms that once had hippies taking psychedelic trips is showing promise as a the basis for…
Breakthrough in the War on Superbugs Causing disease and immune to medicine, drug-resistant microbes are a deadly threat; now US researchers think they’ve found a weapon to…
André Picard: Monitoring Health Care in Canada “We should be celebrating the fact that people are living longer and better than ever” By Peter Feniak How…
Oral Care After 55 Photo: iStock/Monkeybusinessimages. Your overall health and the health of your teeth and gums are linked By Wendy Haaf Thanks…
The Gentle Art of Cleansing Often underestimated as a skin-care step, facial cleansing is one of the keys to a healthy complexion By Mariève Inoue…
Well-Established Drug Proves an Effective COVID Treatment A medication derived from the autumn crocus can help prevent COVID deaths By Caitlin Finlay Researchers at the Montreal Heart Institute…
Mood Swings? Low Energy? Check Your Blood-Sugar Level Mood swings and low energy are common in people with diabetes, but the symptoms can be managed By Wendy Haaf…
Exercise May Reduce Threats to Eyesight Studies suggest that exercise can lower your risk for cataracts and macular degeneration By Wendy Haaf You may be able…