Health & Wellness

Your Guide to Pain Pills

Painkillers, both prescribed and over-the-counter, come with warnings for a reason. Here's what you need to know about pain meds By Wendy Haaf Which over-the-counter pain reliever is most likely to offer relief from a toothache? From backache or sore…

How Heart Disease Threatens Women

Women tend to underestimate their risk for cardiovascular disease—hardly surprising, given that heart disease in women is underdiagnosed and undertreated By…

Rejuvenate Your Brain

Here’s what you can do to help keep your aging brain young By Wendy Haaf   If you ask Canadians what…

Walking to Protect Your Heart

Should you aim for fast or far? Science says both.   Speed or distance? Researchers say that both are effective…

The Myth of Adrenal Fatigue

No, stress won’t make your adrenal glands stop working By Wendy Haaf   A popular feature in Good Times magazine is…